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Season 1 Episodes

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Episode 013 - The Legend of the DigiDestined

The day of reckoning has come. The digidestined have all united, and are stronger after learning important lessons about themselves.

But their new strengths may not be enough to help them defeat Devimon. All of their powers combined still can't stop him. And no matter what Patomon tries, he still can't digivolve.

In their darkest moment, their is a ray of hope as one Patamon finds the power to digivolve into Angemon, and sacrifices himself to stop Devimon for good.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

Episode 014 - Departure for a New Continent

Devimon has been defeated, but the Digidestined still haven't found a way to get home yet. A wizened stranger, Gennai, tells them that their way home lies across the ocean on the continent of Server. He also tells them they must find crests and tags that will allow their Digimon to digivolve to the ultimate level.

With the help of their friends, the Digidestined set off in a raft, but are swallowed up by Whamon, who still has a dark gear inside him.

After freeing Whamon, he helps the children find the tags they will need to help their Digimon get even more power.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

Episode 015 - The Dark Network of Etemon

The Digidestined have their first encounter with the forces Etemon, an Ultimate-level Digimon who seems unstoppable.

They barely manage to rescue a village that is about to be destroyed by Etemon, and in the chaos, Tai finds the Crest of Courage.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

Episode 016 - The Arrival of Skull Greymon

Now that he's found the Crest of Courage, Tai is impatient and pushes Agumon to digivolve to the Ultimate level.

He ends up alienating his friends with his stubborness and makes Agumon feel worse about himself. When they are captured by Etemon, Agumon must battle another Greymon, one being controlled by Etemon.

However, Agumon is too slow, having been force fed too much food by Tai. Angry with Greymon, Tai keeps pushing him to digivolve. This selfish desire causes Greymon to digivolve into SkullGreymon, an evil Ultimate Digimon who lives only to destroy.

Air Date: 0000-00-00 | Rating:

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